Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Cows Have It! (In my opinion)

   Almond, Rice, or Dairy?  I'm talking about milk, of course.  Some people say one is healthier than another... personally I have always loved good, old fashioned, Whole milk.  All dairy, all the fat.  In recent years, however, I have started trying different types of milk, from Skim to Almond.  I must say I enjoy the taste of nearly all of them, though Skim to me is reminiscent of water that has been colored white.  What is to gain from drinking the watery Skim instead of my thick and creamy Whole milk?  According to the "Wise Geek," Whole milk has approximately 16 times the fat content of Skim (nonfat) milk, yet only a mere 64 calories difference in an 8 oz. glass.  While this is a far cry from "almost the same," I ask you:  Is it worth sacrificing that delicious taste for less saturated fat?  Many will answer this question with a resounding "YES!!!"  I understand, perhaps you want only what is "healthy,"  or perhaps you prefer the diluted taste.  Whatever the case, it is your decision.
    So how does Dairy milk stack up against Rice or Almond milk?  According to this site, Soy or Hemp milk would be relatively "on par" with 2% Dairy milk as far as fat content, caloric value, and protein per serving, while Rice and Almond milk fall short in all of these categories.  Lower fat, fewer calories, with less protein and fewer other vitamins than the other types of milk mentioned.  It seems from a health standpoint, that if you drink milk with 2% milkfat or less, you're getting the same nutritional value as you would were you drinking Soy or Hemp milk.  Unless I'm forgetting something... Ah yes!  Most of the fats from cows milk are saturated fats!  These fats are said to be less beneficial than the unsaturated fats you find in other types of milk. 
    There are many variables to consider in this all-so-important decision in which milk to drink.  Personally, I enjoy the taste of Almond milk nearly as much as that of my Whole dairy milk, but I will stick to whatever tickles my fancy at the time.  Time to get a glass of fat... er, I mean milk!


  1. Milk is the best. I dont always like to drink it plain, but its great with so many different things. Like cereal! I especially like chocolate milk, can get enough of that stuff. its probably not good that i like milk so much though. Im a bit lactose and tolerant.

  2. I think you bring up a good point, I'm lactose intolerant to but I hate soy and almond milk it just tastes really weird and nothing like milk. I would rather have real milk and use the pills to help me digest the lactate.
